Consumer financing is a fast growing way for retailers to offer point of sale credit.
In addition to Point of Sale Credit, Accourt works with issuers to provide pre-approved credit at approved retail outlets.

Consumer Financing Solutions
With the regulatory demand for greater transparency of payment terms coupled with a strong ethical lending code, consumer finance is beginning to grow with strong competition leading to wider consumer choice.
One of the key components underpinning this success is the application of technology, and particularly the safe and seamless journey of the transaction from consumer and retailer through real time scoring systems and agile credit risk and fraud management tools leading to a high approval rates and increased basket sales.
Why Choose Accourt
We have a team of high calibre individuals who have successfully managed numerous Regulatory and Payment Scheme applications for organisations wishing to apply for full banking, electronic money and PI licences. Our seasoned experts have both the relevant IP, hands-on experience and operational know-how to ensure successful applications.