
Payment card acquiring is now emerging as a potentially high revenue stream for those players that fully understand the business model.

During the 1990s all activity appeared to be focused on card issuing. However, as we entered the 21st century, the development and introduction of EMV, the rapid growth in e-commerce, the revenue potential of value added services such as Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)  as well as various regulatory changes, all led to a renewed level of interest in the potential of card acquiring. More recent innovations such as contactless and the mobile point of sale (mPOS) phenomenon have further increased this interest.


The emergence of the internet has also seen the introduction of a whole new segment: Payment Services Providers (PSPs), 3-D Secure  vendors and specialist Cardholder Not Present (CNP) fraud screening providers.

More recently contactless payment terminals have been rolled out in key merchant sectors (such as quick service restaurants); the pace of deployment is now accelerating in many markets.

As a result of all of the above, the acquiring business has become much more competitive. New entrants from overseas are cherry-picking attractive segments of the market; in some markets banks have sold their acquiring businesses to 3rd parties; while both major international payment schemes have acquired major internet PSP businesses.

Square, Intuit and others have pioneered a completely new “mPOS” business model which for the first time makes card acceptance relevant for the “micro-merchant” segment – presenting both opportunity for and threat to the incumbent acquirers. Meanwhile, encouraged by the level of competition and by regulation, merchants are being ever-more demanding.

Key questions and Accourt focus:

  • How to identify and retain the most profitable merchant relationships.
  • The most efficient means of becoming a cross-border acquirer.
  • Interchange optimisation.
  • Capitalising on value added services (e.g. Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
  • Tax Free Shopping, POS Finance.
  • Implications of mPOS – can I capitalise on it?
  • Streamlining operational processes and infrastructure for increased profitability.

Why Choose Accourt

We have a team of high calibre individuals who have successfully managed numerous Regulatory and Payment Scheme applications for organisations wishing to apply for full banking, electronic money and PI licences. Our seasoned experts have both the relevant IP, hands-on experience and operational know-how to ensure successful applications.

Strategic Expertise

Whether it’s helping organisations set strategic direction or review market opportunities, Accourt brings a wealth of experience and subject matter expertise to the payments space. One of the key differentiators at Accourt in assisting the payments industry with setting strategic direction is the strong subject matter expertise and practical operational know-how gained through deep managerial experience and P&L management.

Market Knowledge

Accourt brings real market knowledge across the payments value chain including providing organisations with market in-sights as well as assisting organisations to move into parallel markets or extending their current product set to address market segments previously underserved. At Accourt we pride ourselves on having the in-market geographic intimacy and breath of product expertise to assist in organising and implementing effective market entry plans  to achieve agreed business goals.


Accourt has built a reputation around its strong delivery capability, this has been achieved through marrying our subject matter expertise with proven project and programme management to deliver the desired client outcome. From product/vendor selection right through to programme delivery and business as usual, Accourt has the skills and knowledge to de risk and underwrite the success of projects in the payments industry.

Operational Effectiveness

Accourt assists clients with improving their operational effectiveness through cost reduction, streamlined processes and improved revenue contribution. Whether it’s benchmarking current performance against best in class or looking to reduce cost through operational efficiencies, Accourt has a wealth of operational expertise, performance data and proven processes to help organisations achieve their business goals.